5 Fat Loss Keys

Principal Investigator:

Zhenguo Lin, PhD
Associate Professor

    I received my B.S. degree from Wuhan University, China  and Ph.D. in 2008 from Pennsylvania State University, co-mentored by Drs. Masatoshi Nei and Hong Ma. I conducted my postdoctoral research from 2008 to 2012 in Dr. Wen-Hsiung Li's lab at University of Chicago. Before joining the faculty at SLU in the Fall of 2014, I was a Huxley Faculty Fellow at  Rice University

Contact Information:
Email: zhenguo.lin@slu.edu
Office: 239 Macelwane  Hall
Office phone:  314-977-9816

Current team members:

Junhao Chen 
Ph.D., Student of Biology
MS. Zhejiang A&F University, China
Email: junhao.chen@slu.edu

Xiao Niu
Ph.D., Student of Biology
BVM. South China Agricultural University, China
Email: xiao.niu@slu.edu

Catherine Bailey
MS student of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Email: catherine.bailey@slu.edu

Brendan Walczak
MS student of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Email: brendan.walczak@slu.edu

Jacob Roth
Undergraduate research assistants
Email: jake.roth@slu.edu

Chloe Muehlmeier

Undergraduate research assistant,
Email: chloe.muehlmeier@slu.edu

Zain Hyder

Undergraduate research assistant,
Email: chloe.muehlmeier@slu.edu

Natalie Mall

Undergraduate research assistant,
Email: natalie.mall@slu.edu

Adam Zhang
High school research assistant

Former Lab Members:
Postdoctoral Scholar
Zhenbin Hu, PhD

Graduate Students
Alison Mullis (Biology) 2015- 2018
Judith Rodriguez (BCB) 2018-2019
Keenan Berry (BCB) 2018-2019
Zhaolian Lu (Biology) 2015-2020
Chinye Nwokolo (BCB) 2020-2021
John Reddy Peasari  (BCB) 2019-2021
Katelyn Bagwill  (BCB) 2021-2022
Yu Zhan (Biology) 2018-2023
Faith Ikede (BCB) 2022-2023
Undergraduate students
Ahmad Rajeh
Ajay Chatrath
Andrei Gonzalez
Ayesha Khawaja
Besher Alayoubi
Jacob Linomaz
Jon McMillan
Julia Vu
Katie Vaeth
Mackenzie Carroll
Mayur Khanna
Niyati Bhakta
Prathosh Velpuri
Tarun Yandamuri
William Park
Haofeng Ye
Isabella Ngo
Lily Jiang
Anthony Kirchner
Visiting Scholars 
Bin Wang, PhD
Associate professor, Fujian A&F University, China

Tinghan Han
Visiting student, Huaihai Insititute of Technology, China


5 Fat Loss Keys

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